The Gift & Curse of Time: A personal poem

She betrays me, yet she saves me.

That’s the funny thing about time…
It just keeps going and going
Moving forward- with or without us
Time is merciless and unforgiving
There is no pause button on her
She offers me no moments to catch my breath
No convenience to just be still and grieve
For she knows no other way besides onward
I have cursed her at times, but mostly…
I cling to her because she is, well… predictable
I know that no matter what happens
She will continue to pass
move me along with her whether I like it or not
She follows the same 24 hour cycles
A truth in which I resent and rely on
Soon, summer will be over
The cold will surprise me once again
But then time will press on like it always does
And then there will be warmth on my skin and in my soul again
And somehow that’s comforting to me
Knowing that the days will pass & somehow I’ll find a way to be alright
Because I have to be. I have no other choice
I move with time, I let it heal me
Because I’ve also known her to be
Persistent & healing & vital & kind
Even as I stay stuck in place, she moves me on
She sets the Sun to rise it again
The curse and the glory of time, passing by
I will believe the truth, that she will heal me
As i surrender to her
one day at a time


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